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ANDY MOORE- Manager of VASA in North Ogden UT.
How long have you worked at VASA?
VASA in general? February of 2017 is when I started. I’ve been at this location since February of this year. My position has changed a lot so. I started at the front desk at that point.
Do you have any other experience in health and fitness, or any degrees?
I’ve got a bachelors in exercise science?
Where did you get your bachelors?
Elon University. It’s all the way in North Carolina. I’m from Arizona. I actually moved here from Washington 7 months ago.
Have you worked anywhere else that ties into health and fitness?
My dad owned a SNAP fitness when I was younger. I worked at that with him. I’ve always been involved in athletics. Baseball, I’ve played my whole life. College Baseball, and then went and coached junior college baseball in Washington. Did the strength and conditioning program there. I was a volunteer fire fighter out there too, which kind of ties in.
Have you ever done personal training?
Yeah. I am certified, I’ve worked here, and mostly just like friends, and the whole team at the junior college I was at, which was the most I did as a huge group, so that’s not as personal. But we have a whole training session here just for that.
What do you think is different about VASA in comparison to other gyms?
I think the people that are here, and the culture we have established for sure, and then our functional training. Like all of the amenities we offer. The quality of those things. The classes are huge, and then the functional training along with our training we offer, definitely separates us from other places. We view ourselves as a training facility, and not just a gym. So we are actually helping people set better goals, and not just a general place to work out.
What are the new trends in fitness?
Apparel is huge. I keep it pretty basic, but I know for womens’ especially. Yoga pants and any kind of work out apparel. For guys its more informal. Functional training I think has taken off too. The last couple years for sure, and accessibility to those things, has become a trend as well.
What is the most popular area of the gym?
It depends on the time. Classes. When those are going on obviously. One of our most popular classes is Silver Sneakers, for the elderly. When that class is going on that room is packed. I’d say most consistently, the free weights and turf area for sure. People love that turf area.
What’s the general attitude of people towards fitness lately?
I think it’s totally dependent on the person. Fitness I’d like to think has grown a lot. I think there has been more education on how important it is physically and mentally healthy, and how it helps both those things. I think more people are going to do it. What we see a lot of is people who take a long time before coming to the gym are super hesitant, self conscious, whatever it is. There are people who work out all the time, who love it, spend tons of time in here, and like to just socialize.
What gets people to exercise?
Whatever there ‘why’ is. As a fitness instructor, trying to run a program, we want to know why they’re coming to exercise. So it’s different for people. I don’t know if this is the answer your looking for, but most people just want to look good, and confident in their own skin. I find psychologically, that's too vague to accomplish so we like to set specific goals, but most people are coming here to look good, and be confident in their own skin. Whether they say that or not, that is really what it is.
What are the big reasons people have to not exercise?
Time for sure. Motivation, the second one. And then I think a lot of people just don’t feel that comfortable or know what to do. They don’t notice the results they want. They feel like they are wasting their time or just coming in here freaks them out so they don’t.
So you think there are a lot of people who exercise in the privacy of their own home or outside of the gym?
Out of people who exercise. How many do that? I don’t know, but I know a lot do. That’s the reason it slows down a lot in here, like in the summer months, is because a lot of people are outdoors. We get way busier in the wintertime. It is when people come in here. I work out on my own, in my apartment complex when I’m at home, or try runs and stuff all the time. So, I’m one of those people for sure.
What do you think peoples' needs are for exercise?
I think its totally dependent on the person. I think most people need convenience. The biggest thing. Somewhere close. I don’t think most people even know what they need. I like to believe there is some form of exercise that will get everybody up and doing something. A lot of people say they hate it. I just think they haven’t found the right way to do it. I know there is swimming, running, weights, classes, and so many different ways to do it.
Do you think that there is any difference in the attitude towards exercise recently in comparison to the past?
Yeah definitely. I think it’s become more popular for sure. More of a thing to do. I think what we know. I think the general public is still pretty behind on what’s right and what’s not right as far as what you should be doing, staying injury free and all of that, but I think that has definitely changed a lot with what we know, and what we can help people with in recent years?
What are some psychological benefits to working out?
It releases endorphins in your body. So feel good hormones that make you feel happier. It helps with your sleep cycles. I don’t know the specific science behind that but it can help you stay energized every day, wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night, and just be generally happier. There is a lot of good science that supports that.
What are some social benefits?
Here it’s just a wonderful social area where people can associate with people in general. But I think getting to a point where you feel more confident in yourself will make you feel more sociable in general.
What are the greatest health benefits?
Well there is a lot. Just preventing any risks of heart disease, diabetes, any of those health risks. People spend more time on their body fat percentage, and being healthier in the long run, along with the physical benefits of being stronger, faster, more powerful, whatever it is, the mental benefits as well that we already talked about.
What do you think about the whole obesity epidemic?
I mean it sucks. It is real for sure I hope we are changing that, but a lot of that is misinformation from past years. Whether its diet or parenting education.
So do you think it’s gotten a lot worse?
I don’t know. I’d have to look at it. I’m in the gym all the time so it’s hard to say. I’m around fit people, and also around people who are just getting started. Everyday that I see that is challenging for me. I’m here to help. It better get better. I think it will. Slowly. I’d like to believe that more and more equality, science, and good information is getting out to people where we can prevent some of that.
Do you feel that there are any topics in the media that are overblown about exercise?
I mean supplements in general. I think there are a lot of good ones and just as many bad ones. It’s hard to know what’s right from wrong. I’m an all-natural person, but I go to the natural grocers for earth grown nutrients. I like short ingredients where its real food. But workouts too, there are certain things I’ve seen where people get injured. Cross Fit. I hate to speak bad about anything, and Cross Fit can be so great, and there are so many good coaches out there.
The next section is on gender division. Its mostly because when you go into the stores there is usually a means' and a womens' section. I just want to touch base on that a little bit.
Sometimes you can find differences in the media about the differences between men and womens’ exercises. Do you think that men and women should exercise differently?
Scientifically. No. I think everyone should do whatever they want to do, but it depends on what you want, and what you’re looking for. I don’t think that a woman should be lifting less or doing cardio, or men should be doing weights.
Have you noticed men and women drifting to different areas of the gym?
Oh for sure. I think its cool we’re seeing more and more women in weights and getting strong, and loving it. We see more and more of that which is super cool. Whatever floats your boat. There is definitely. Men definitely gravitate towards free weights. Women, there is more and more women in that , but it is definitely still lighter stuff, more cardio, whereas it’s men wanting to bulk up. That’s in general. There is the opposite of that too.
Do men and women come in at different times, during the day, or during the week?
I don’t think so.
Do more men come to the gym than women?
That’s a good question. I’d like to know what our membership ratio is. I don’t know I think it could be pretty split. I would guess it was more the men, I feel it could be slightly more, but I could be wrong
Do they seem to have different attitudes?
I think in general, and I hate putting everyone in one bubble but, generally, I think over a grand scale. I hate to say it, but I think girls would be more concerned with how they look coming into a gym, and how they are looking during the workout, but a lot of guys are like that too. So it could be about the same. I tell my coworkers too, it’s almost like a high school or college here. I love it here because we get a really wide range of different people, but there is a lot of the younger crowd, where it’s a social place to be.
What’s the minimum age at the gym?
Can they come in by themselves?
Under 18 they are supposed to be with a parent or guardian. Generally how our memberships are set up. Basically anyone under the age of 18 has to have their own membership. So it’s not a family, we have a guest plan, but they have to be over 18, so it keeps the gym more adult oriented. For sure. . So you see not as many young people in here but there are still minors in here.
This next section is just about styles, and the different styles that you see lately. What kind of styles do you see people wearing, that stick out to you?
I know this for sure, but I’m not sure of how to describe it to you. I could pull people in here that would know all about this kind of stuff, but I don’t know that that much. I mean the compression stuff with girls, its all yoga pants and whatever same kind of matching tops, or whatever they where like sports bras or tops. Some one is making bank off of yoga pants. Yeah everywhere. They’ve got all different kinds of brands. Some of them are expensive. Even mens' leggings. I call them leggings for men, yoga pants for women. You see what I’m wearing now. The shorts are compression. They make them long too. I've worn them plenty of times before. Those are more popular than ever before, even for guys, wearing them under your shorts. Different muscle shirts, and guys like to wear barely there shirts. Like a tank with just strings down the back, that’s kind of weird to me but…
What are some of the styles that maybe you haven’t seen in a while or are new that are coming out for both guys and girls? Nothing really surprises me anymore. Like I’ve seen it all. I feel like there is a part of the 80’s coming back, with the big colors, crop tops, and high pants. So I feel like that is coming back, I’ve noticed
What about colors and fabrics?
I see a mix. I think that blacks and whites are still big, and that at the same time there is people that like the bright colors. I’m an earth tone person. Greens and Blues. I feel I don’t see those as much. That’s what I like. I like grays and shades of blue, not bright, bright, but blues and greens. Your earth tones.
What about makeup? Do you see a lot of makeup when people workout?
Some do. Ha-ha. I’m not going to say. No comment on that.
What do you think about bath salts?
I use them. I haven’t in a little while, but I feel like it works as far as soreness, and stuff like that. Maybe it’s a placebo effect, I don’t know. I think its actually as far as, I’d have to look at science on that, but I do it after sports and races when I’m really soar, I’ll take a salt bath and feel like it helps.
Do you think they help people with skin care problems from working out?
I don’t know anything about that. Maybe. I know I feel fine when I get out of the bath salts.
Do you think people spend a lot of time getting ready to go to the gym?
I think the younger generation. Yeah that’s interesting.
Do you think the gym is a place for people to hang out?
Yeah. I see that.
Do you notice people using body sprays or perfumes?
I mean in the bathrooms. I mean the mens' room will smell like the normal locker room. Sweat mixed with cologne.
I’m sure the women’s' smells much better, like roses in there.
Are there any popular scents that you noticed?
I don’t know enough about fragrances
So are the showers popular at the gym, do people use the showers. Yeah I think so. Morning crowd definitely more. Its kind of funny how the crowd, morning vs. night, is definitely kind of different, but yeah you have your regulars in the morning who workout, shower go to work every single morning. I would say it’s less popular at night.
Do you think that people pack gym bags with body sprays, soaps, makeups, and stuff to get ready to go to the gym?
Yeah I see people pack that kind of stuff. I have my gym bag here, and I have a little toiletry kit, just so it’s always on me, when I shower at the gym.
Do you think that personal hygiene is a challenge when it comes to people working out, are they concerned or worried about fitting in the time to shower or groom when they are starting or maintaining a physical fitness program?
Yeah. It depends on what time of the day, if its morning or afternoon, if it is pretty strict. If they have to be done on time and get cleaned up in time.
The next one is a short section on Charities.
Do you think it is more difficult to stay fit for those who have problems financially?
Yeah. That’s a big thing for us with the personal training we offer. Obviously it’s a bit more expensive of an investment. Some people just can’t afford it. If it were just way cheaper. It is what it is. I think we have a lower priced gym. They just get access to it so it shouldn’t be an excuse in terms of money but we see the issue is most people join the gym and then don’t come after a month or two.
Do you think charities promoting free gym memberships would be beneficial in promoting public health?
What kind of charities if any have you heard of?
I don’t know about charities doing that. But I know there is a lot of companies, peoples’ workplaces, insurances, that cover memberships. I see that more and more often. I think that’s freakin’ awesome. It creates a better more healthy population in general. I imagine its way more common now. Because it’s working. You have people that don’t pay for a gym membership, get membership. They go. They work out. They’re healthier, and they have less sick days. They are more energized at work. They work better. It all kind of works together. The investment is worth it to them.